Thursday, December 9, 2010


Christmas is birth of Jesus right ?Yes this is the birth of Jesus.When we celebrate the christmas we celebrate the birth of Jesus too.The time God is making people he realize that he should make his own son (Jesus Christ).Then he realize too that Jesus needs a mother to take care of him.So God call (Mary) to be Jesus's mother.Mary was suprised she told her cousin (Elizabeth) that God told her to be Jesus's
 mother.Now Mary celebrate the birth of Jesus.Mary was happy to be a mother.You see Christmas is a important season this isn't just for gifts!.We also celebrate Jesus.Now we should be happy that Jesus is risen.Now we should prepare for the coming of the lord.Be happy.Be prepared.Be Ready.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Dogs and tips

Dogs are like human but different languange it can learn to dogs are smart.Here's how to train your dog.Sit-justtouch his butt down and say sit remember wear a thick jacket so your dog can't bite you.Roll Over- just roll your dog and say "roll" and give him/her a treat.Play dead-just roll her/him again and close her/him eyes.That's all i've got so here are the tips always wear a thick jacket,don't tease her/him.always take her/him a bat and don't teach them the wrong trick.

Do Santa Bring us gifts?

Santa Claus is St. Nicholas he is human like us he is real he can bring us gifts St. Nicholas is dead so he pass the name Santa Claus to Another man who can trust St. Nicholas also control the man that he trust to bring gifts to us.he's checking it twice he's checking who's naughty or nice.So remember be always good.Always be nice.Always be perfect.

Water Pollution

Water Pollution-is poisonous to animals because it becomes dirty water becomes polluted when is please use plastic bag to make the plastics less.

Land pollution

Land pollution- it can destroying the quality of soil used in agriculture.Soil is polluted when it becomes pollution can pollute garbage too it can destroy the land.So make our city Green and Clean

Air Pollution

Air pollution-when factories or vehicles burn fuel they leave tiny solid particles into the air.Some odf the pousionous gases are produced.When people burn garbage,volcanic ash,substances from can,air conditoiner

Our dog (Dixie)

Our dog Dixie.She is a female with tricks,smart,cute,long and fat she is my favorite dog.Sometimes when we tickle her on his tummy she take her pee every we tickle her tummy.She is perfect to us to be our dog I,my mom,my dad, my 2 brothers and sister.We are her owner . We play with  her.we like her and most of all we love her.